What Have We Accomplished?

At the astonishing age of 17 I have managed to dig a hole to china on the side of the house deep enough to nearly rupture the gas line, get arrested once, get forced into changing schools, and rebuild my life from scratch.

But who cares about my story?
It's never really been about me, it's all about you.

At the astonishing senior year of High School what have we managed to accomplish?
Being only old enough to sign ourselves up to die for our country but not old enough to apply for a job at Costco
Strong enough to make junior varsity football but not take state
Smart enough to get a 22 on the ACT but not good enough for the university of our choice

What have we done?

We've managed to take State Championships in various sports, CTE clubs and classes, and Fine Arts 
We've managed to break down the barriers of our mind they told us were called 'classroom walls'
We've managed to find beauty in each others faults
We supported Ethan Harris and Nelson and Reese to make sure the world knew that We See Them

We found each other
We found ourselves
We didn't incase ourselves in bricks and mortar like the rest of the world
We saw the light at the end of the tunnel
And we ran towards it


  1. "And we ran towards it" inspirational.

  2. When you wrote about digging a hole to China that ended with rebuilding your life from scratch, I loved it!

  3. this is good.

    also i love the photos in your background.
