I Wish

(Let's play pretend here for a minute)

*Rubs a lamp, cloud of smoke, and BOOM: A genie!
'I am a magical genie, and I will grant you three wishes.'
I have as much time as I want to decide what I should get.

There are so many things that I want in life, half of which I have to wish for to get

-I wish I was taller. I'm insecure about my height because I'm 5'9 and I want to be 5'10

-I wish my hair wouldn't be on point one day, and then make me look like trailer-trash the next

-I wish psychics weren't bull crap and that they were cheap to go to

-I wish Donald Trump wouldn't attempt to ruin the country

-I wish I could graduate early equipped with all the knowledge and resources to get me through the rest of my life

-I wish people wouldn't assume that I'm going on a mission

-I wish that the conversations with my dad wouldn't just be "good morning" and "good night"

-I wish I knew who wrote 'Dear Mormons'

-I wish that teachers wouldn't look down on us

-I wish that the jocks would grow their hearts back sooner

-I wish I could put the thoughts in my head into english

-I wish I could, just for one day, be alive

I can't tell all of these to the genie, because there's more than 3, and I bet there's a few that he probably couldn't accomplish. 

"Can I wish for more wishes?"
'No you cannot'
"I wish I could." 


  1. I really, really liked this. I don't even understand it entirely..but I feel like I relate to it a lot. thanks Tosh.

    I also really wish I knew who wrote "Dear Mormons"

  2. I get this. I really get this. Congrats, Tosh, you've done an amazing job.

  3. Amazing. Such good meaning and truth in this. Keep it up!
