My Silent Confessions (don't judge me)

How am I alive?
Seriously, how can you prove it?

There is an entire theory dedicated to the idea that we are all holograms on the largest computer ever, simply living in someone else's reality. So, as you read this, you could very well question that you're Player 1, and that everything you're reading is simply put there for you to read. Your agency would therefore be an illusion, and your thoughts would not belong to you.
So, please prove you're not a robot.

This is what I know.

I have opinions on several things that sets me apart from everyone. My personality is strong enough that I could ask a girl on a date and not break down from being too nervous. And I have been asked on occasion what it's like to be a 6/10 (true story, one time I was compared to a garden gnome by a very rude little girl in Olive Garden).

Here are a few of those opinions.

1. I absolutely hate when people call me rich. Seriously, if you come to my house and call me rich I will backhand you through a granite wall (that's a joke, they're all made out of the same stuff everyone else has)

2. Football is literally the dumbest thing to ever be invented. We made a sport for big empty-headed people so they could stay out of trouble and then we pay said people for it. It's seriously stupid.

3. High School is probably one of the greatest things ever. I mean yeah homework sucks and some teachers are the spawn of Satan himself, but you have to admit that you look forward to hanging out with people in the one place that everyone gathers.

4. I don't want to live in America anymore. I applied to go to college in another country where I will have to pay a LOT more than I would have to here just so I can get away from the politics and social problems that America is having some serious struggles with. 

I hope you don't agree with all of those.
Because if you did, I'd think that you were a robot. 

I don't want to be Kyle Nelson teaching 12th graders things they should've learned at 12 years old. 
I don't want to be Coach Schoonover with my bald head and big tall legs and a shirt I outgrew when I was like 10.
I don't want to be Greg Dean with two kids and a desk job at Adobe.

I don't want to be you.

I just want to be me.

peace out girl scout


  1. Looooooollll wow I loved this post so much. Oh the beauty of living in America.

    1. I know I'm slightly regretting saying that. So happy for pen names rn
