I'm sick of 2015 and it's crap. Go home you're drunk.

My favorite birthday present I've ever gotten was stolen at the Legacy Center locker room in Lehi a few months after I got it.
It was Pokemon Sapphire, where I chose my starter Pokemon as Treecko and I went on an adventure to stop Team Magma.
A few years later I got a toolbox for my birthday.
A few years later a bike.
A few years later a crappy laptop.
A few years later a court order.

I miss when I didn't have to be crazy or stupid to get friends, when all I needed was a grilled cheese sandwich and my best friend. I miss when I could get away with wearing pajamas under my clothes to school because they just felt comfy. I miss when someone would happily call me "sir" without asking me to leave. I miss digging a hole to China with my neighbors before they went crazy.

I bought another Pokemon game this year, and I'm not kidding when I say that I cried when I got a Treecko. I want to go back so bad. I want to be a kid again with nothing but a grilled cheese sandwich and my best friend.


  1. my neighbors and I totally dug holes to China too.

    good post.

  2. i love they way you write! your serious posts, don't leave a depressing feeling in the air, but you can still take the posts completely serious. that is a special talent. you're great!
